The Java API
The Java API helps make Java suitable for networks through its support for platform independence and security. The Java API is set of runtime libraries that give you a standard way to access the system resources of a host computer. When you write a Java program, you assume the class files of the Java API will be available at any Java virtual machine that may ever have the privilege of running your program. This is a relatively safe assumption because the Java virtual machine and the class files for the Java API are the required components of any implementation of the Java Platform. When you run a Java program, the virtual machine loads the Java API class files that are referred to by your program's class files. The combination of all loaded class files (from your program and from the Java API) and any loaded dynamic libraries (containing native methods) constitute the full program executed by the Java virtual machine.The class files of the Java API are inherently specific to the host platform. The API's functionality must be implemented expressly for a particular platform before that platform can host Java programs. To access the native resources of the host, the Java API calls native methods. As you can see in Figure 1-6, the class files of the Java API invoke native methods so your Java program doesn't have to. In this manner, the Java API's class files provide a Java program with a standard, platform-independent interface to the underlying host. To the Java program, the Java API looks the same and behaves predictably no matter what platform happens to be underneath. Precisely because the Java virtual machine and Java API are implemented specifically for each particular host platform, Java programs themselves can be platform independent.
Figure 1-6. A platform-independent Java program.
In addition to facilitating platform independence, the Java API contributes to Java's security model. The methods of the Java API, before they perform any action that could potentially be harmful (such as writing to the local disk), check for permission. In Java releases prior to 1.2, the methods of the Java API checked permission by querying the security manager. The security manager is a special object that defines a custom security policy for the application. A security manager could, for example, forbid access to the local disk. If the application requested a local disk write by invoking a method from the pre-1.2 Java API, that method would first check with the security manager. Upon learning from the security manager that disk access is forbidden, the Java API would refuse to perform the write. In Java 1.2, the job of the security manager was taken over by the access controller, a class that performs stack inspection to determine whether the operation should be allowed. (For backwards compatibility, the security manager still exists in Java 1.2.) By enforcing the security policy established by the security manager and access controller, the Java API helps to establish a safe environment in which you can run potentially unsafe code.
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